Have you encountered credit difficulties through unforeseen circumstances, bad financial decisions, loss of income, or lack of knowledge? Let us help you move forward to meet the financial goals of your future. Faizal Garasia specializes in:
- Unproven late payments reported by the creditor
- Removal of unauthorized credit checks
- Updating employer names, start and finish dates
- Create favorable Equifax messages and suggestions
- Date of birth, mailing address, and name correction
- File amalgamation
- Removal, correction, or update of public records
- Bank Nav score, CRP score, ERS score
- Bad tradelines
- And much, much, more!
We help clients from excellent credit to those who have declared bankruptcy, or have had proposal, collections, judgements against them. Our professionals have access to credit reporting agencies, collection agencies, and the creditors that have impacted your credit to help you rebuild your credit and obtain financing.
Don’t let the stress of credit difficulties affect your life. Contact Faizal Garasia today!